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05 October 2017, 17:42

Monument to Venezuelan hero unveiled in Minsk

MINSK, 5 October (BelTA) – A monument to Simon Bolivar, the national hero of Venezuela, has been unveiled in the public garden named after Simon Bolivar in Minsk, BelTA has learned.

Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro took part in the unveiling ceremony. “We embrace you like brothers on behalf of the revolutionary Bolivarian government of Venezuela and would like to express our solidarity. The roads of our nations met some time ago. The roads were long in the fight for justice, equality, and happiness in the world,” noted Nicolas Maduro.

Nicolas Maduro stressed that South America had always fought for peace and equality. Belarus can rest assured it will always get support from Venezuela. “Simon Bolivar is a symbol that unites our nations. It is the greatest person of all the people, who have ever been born in America. Written sources indicate that Simon Bolivar has founded six republics. His ideas still live,” said Nicolas Maduro.

Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Vladimir Semashko noted that the monument's unveiling had been timed to the 20th anniversary since Belarus-Venezuela diplomatic relations were established. “Histories of our nations are alike. We went a long way to secure state independence. Our relations are developing, joint projects are being fulfilled,” he said.

The Simon Bolivar public garden is located within borders of Pervomayskaya Street, Zakharova Street, and Chapayeva Street. The public garden was named after Simon Bolivar in 2008. A stone with the garden's name was placed there back then. There is a plaque on the monument unveiled on 5 October. It proclaims that the monument is a gift from the Bolivarian government of Venezuela in honor of the 20th anniversary since Belarus-Venezuela relations were established. The monument is a replica of the bust created by the Venezuelan sculptor Lorenzo Gonzalez. The bust is made of bronze and rests on a granite pedestal. The monument is 2.78m high.

Simon Bolivar is the most influential and prominent leader in the war for the independence of Spanish colonies in America. The diplomatic missions of Venezuela, Cuba, and Ecuador arrange events in the Simon Bolivar public garden to mark state holidays of their countries.

Representatives of the Belarusian government, the diplomatic corps, and the military attaches representing Latin America countries, cadets of Belarusian higher military education institutions, young Minsk residents, and other people were invited to attend the unveiling of the Simon Bolivar monument on 5 October.

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