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22 July 2020, 14:12

Minister: COVID-19 cases on steady decline in all regions of Belarus

MINSK, 22 July (BelTA) - The number of COVID-19 cases has been on a steady decline in all regions of Belarus, Healthcare Minister Vladimir Karanik said as he met with head of the Alexandrov National Cancer Center Sergei Polyakov, his deputy Sergei Krasny and CEO of Boston-based CureLab Oncology, Inc. Alex Schneider in Minsk on 22 July, BelTA has learned.

“The situation is manageable everywhere. We are not loosening our control. The situation is stable in all regions. What is more, there is a steady decline in the number of cases. The figures are slightly higher in the regions that faced the epidemiological situation at a later date. But we have been seeing a steady decline in the number of patients with both pneumonia and coronavirus infection throughout the country for several weeks now," said Vladimir Karanik.

The parties also discussed the prospects for a coronavirus vaccine. “Thanks to vaccines we have indeed forgotten about many diseases that once took millions of lives. On the other hand, we have also seen examples when poorly studied vaccines have caused very pronounced side effects and aggravated the course of the disease. Therefore, the development of a vaccine is a very painstaking process. It is very difficult to predict when we will receive a vaccine that will meet all safety and efficacy requirements,” the minister said.

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