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09 September 2024, 13:54

Lukashenko gifted first copy of United Belarus book

MINSK, 9 September (BelTA) – Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has received the first copy of the book United Belarus, which tells the story of the country’s reunification and is dedicated to People’s Unity Day, BelTA learned from Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Igor Sergeyenko after the MP delivered a report to the head of state.

The book is a collection of photo documents, historic materials that describe the time when Western Belarus and Eastern Belarus existed and when the two parts became whole. “It uses concrete examples, materials to demonstrate how people lived in Western Belarus and how Eastern Belarus developed. How our ancestors lived under the Polish occupation. And then it demonstrates the reunification process,” Igor Sergeyenko explained. He added that the book had been published in two languages – Russian and Belarusian.

The authors of the book are the prominent local history expert, historian, and collector Vladimir Likhodedov and Head of the Photographic Research Sector of the National History Museum Svetlana Khoruzhik. Doctor of History, member of the parliament Vyacheslav Danilovich contributed as a scientific consultant. “It is the first copy of the book for now. Upon the authors’ request I presented it to the president,” the chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly noted.

The presentation of the book itself will take place on 17 September, People’s Unity Day. It is symbolical that on this day a regular session of the lower chamber of the Belarusian parliament will open. According to the Constitution, it happens on the third Tuesday in September, which is 17 September this year.

“I informed the head of state about what bills and in what blocks will be submitted for consideration on the first day and during the session as a whole,” the speaker of the parliament revealed details of the report delivered to the president. “The bills deal with criminal law, education, social security, economy, and a number of other matters, including defense. Active work in commissions in areas of activity will take place this week.”
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