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25 March 2025, 15:00

‘It’s a big day for Belarus.’ Belarus’ presidential inauguration through the eyes of its participants

MINSK 25 March (BelTA) - The inauguration of the President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko was held at the Palace of Independence. A total of 1,100 people were invited to the big event. BelTA talked to some of the participants of the ceremony. 
“It is a big day for the Belarusian people. Not only for the 1,100 people who are in this hall. I can tell you in confidence that the number of people who wanted to be here was many times more. Many more will watch the ceremony live and re-live. People wish our country prosperity and progressive development and the head of state leads us on this path towards prosperity,” Deputy Head of the Belarus President Administration Vladimir Pertsov said before the inauguration ceremony. “For all officials, this is a countdown of sorts as we begin the five-year period and fulfill the tasks set before us by our president”.

Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Karanik said that he was overwhelmed with a sense of  pride for the country. "People have made the right decision. I am confident that in the next five years we will see stability and growth, and that all large-scale projects that are meant to benefit the country and its every citizen will come to fruition," he noted. "Our citizens want peace, development, a good life for their children. And we are sure that we will have all this with our President as the guarantor of the Constitution and the peaceful and evolutionary development of the country. We will succeed."

Director of Children's Choreography School from Borisov Alla Rutkovskaya said that all these years she supported the path that the country was following. "I saw what our president was doing. I saw his attitude to art, culture, to people living in rural areas," she noted. "Our president has a vision. He sets goals and achieves results." The director of the choreography school emphasized that the head of state cares about all people in Belarus: "The president understands people's needs very well, he delves into all issues so deeply that sometimes you are amazed at how all this is possible. The head of state thinks about everyone and every aspect of life in Belarus. We have order everywhere."

Alla Rutkovskaya also shared the details of her preparations for today's most important event. “I bought new shoes, and a new blouse. I was getting ready for the event. I could not sleep at all. It is a great honor for me, of course. I did my best. I got thoroughly prepared for the event. Not every person gets a chance to attend the inauguration of the president of the beloved country,” she said.

Social policy is a calling card of our state, said Dmitry Shevtsov, Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on Healthcare, Physical Education, Family and Youth Policy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly.

He praised the development of healthcare in the country. “If we look at the development of healthcare, we will see that it has already reached quite a high level today. The bets practices of our healthcare system is studied in other countries. We have developed a four-level system of healthcare, where every resident can get the whole range of medical care, including all kinds of high-tech care up to organ and tissue transplantation.”

"Medical care in Belarus is funded by the state budget: the government covers all costs. We are able to maintain a balance between accessibility and quality of medical services and even have taken it a step further. Our focus has shifted to disease prevention. Thanks to medical examinations conducted by healthcare professionals, we can not only detect diseases early, but also identify risk factors for their development,” Dmitry Shevtsov emphasized.

He added: "In most foreign countries, even those with more developed economies than Belarus has, preventive medicine is impossible: not because they cannot develop it, but because they do not want to allocate such significant portions of their GDP to preserving public health."

"The state takes care of children left without parental guardianship, children with disabilities, lonely and elderly individuals living alone. The support for young families and families with many children is truly unprecedented," Dmitry Shevtsov stressed.

"Society actively participates in caring for these categories of citizens through public organizations and numerous initiatives carried out in our country. This fosters not only compassion but also patriotism in every caring heart," Dmitry Shevtsov said. He also pointed out that in the inauguration speech the president touched upon the most important matters for the further development of our state.
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