BelTA is delighted to present an interview with Dolph Lundgren, one of the most popular Hollywood actors. The actor shared his impressions of the visit to Belarus and answered a number of personal questions. He said he had a chance to taste draniki, a traditional dish of the Belarusian cuisine, and added that all the people he met were very friendly.
The snowstorm that hit the Belarusian capital on that day was no bid deal for the movie star who visited the office of the Belarusian IT company Game Stream that has created world-popular computer game World of Tanks, drove real-life combat vehicles at the Stalin Line museum, and paid a visit to the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk.
“The city looks really nice, it is very clean,” Dolph Lundgren said.
About the choice between war and peace
Dolph Lundgren noted that in the real life, he has always been a warrior. Yet, he prefers to demonstrate his power in the boxing ring only. “I think it is better to try to solve any conflict peacefully, through a dialogue, forgive or try to understand the arguments of the other side. This is much easier than fighting and confrontation,” he said.
A few words about politics
As he answered a question about the Rocky movie series, the fourth part of which made Dolph Lundgren world-famous, the actor said that all the films of the series mostly tell the story of two athletes, their exercises, goals and their achievement. “This is why people love these movies. And this is why they are still quite popular. In fact, the movie is not about politics. It is about the human spirit,” Dolph Lundgren noted.
Still, he pointed out that the political climate constantly shifts to one side or the other. “Sometimes Russia and America step on the path of confrontation, and sometimes they have friendly relations. I was born in Sweden and live in the United States, and when I think about this situation, it seems to me that Russia and America have much in common. I think they should be allies,” Dolph Lundgren said.
Swede or American?
Born in Sweden, Dolph Lundgren rose to fame in the United States first and then in the world. The actor said that he does not know the answer to the question which country he belongs to. “As any immigrant, I feel part of the two countries. As an actor, I am sort of a citizen of the world. My fans live in many different countries. I feel home virtually anywhere in the world,” he noted.
As for life principles, Dolph Lundgren said that he is happy to have this opportunity as an actor to entertain the audiences, lift their spirits. According to him, people aspire to grow as human beings and inspire others. “This is the most important thing in life,” the actor said.
Test for sense of humor: about Steven Seagal and Belarusian girls
Who is stronger: you or Steven Seagal? one of the journalists asked.
Steven who? Dolph Lundgren joked. The actor said that he is well familiar with Steven Seagal (who, incidentally, has recently been to Belarus too).

I like him. He is a good guy. I don't know who is stronger. I have never sparred with him. But I will clear this out, the actor promised.
When asked whether he would like to buy an apartment in Minsk, Dolph Lundgren said with a smile: Why not? The girls are beautiful here, and I am single.
On a serious note
The actor said that he takes an interest in the Second World War, which affected his family, particularly his father. “I am a postwar generation. The war greatly influenced our lives. I am very interested in its history: why it happened, how events evolved. It has formed the world we live in now. The events took place right here. It is therefore interesting to come to Belarus and feel it, Dolph Lundgren said.
About tanks
It may look symbolic, but out of all the hardware in the World of Tanks, the legendary Soviet T-34 is what the actor likes most. The reason is the role the tank played in the history of the war.
Once a soldier of the Swedish Army, Dolph Lundgren has never thought of serving in the tank corps. The reason is obvious: "I am too tall and tanks are small for me. I would feel uncomfortable inside".
Speaking about his impressions of the Stalin Line, the actor said that he would possibly like to have one of the Belarusian armored vehicles. The actor was talking about Belarus' modern 4x4 armored vehicle Caiman. The new vehicle was delivered to the museum right prior to the actor's visit.
"I had a good ride. The bracket is great. I would like to have such a vehicle. A good choice for Beverley Hills [the U.S. city in the west of Los Angeles District, California]", Dolph Lundgren said.
Dolph Lundgren is a Swedish actor, director, martial artist, screenwriter and producer. Lundgren's breakthrough came when he starred in Rocky IV in 1985 as Soviet boxer Ivan Drago. Since then, he has starred in more than 50 films, almost all of them in the action genre: Showdown in Little Tokyo, Universal Soldier, Masters of the Universe, The Punisher, Joshua Tree, and The Expendables.
Dolph Lundgren received a degree in chemistry from Washington State University, a degree in chemical engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology, and a master's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Sydney. He holds the rank of 3rd dan black belt in Kyokushin karate and was European champion in 1980-81.