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02 February 2024, 10:40

Golovchenko: Digitalization is getting increasingly important for people

MINSK, 2 February (BelTA) – Digital technologies are becoming increasingly central for people, Belarus’ Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko said at the Digital Almaty 2024 forum, BelTA has learned.

“Every year, the society is getting increasingly digitalised. Information technologies are transforming the world day by day, penetrating into all spheres of human activity. This is a reality that we must acknowledge. The volume of digital data is growing rapidly and already exceeds the capabilities of the processing infrastructure in the world. Cloud computing and data accumulation have already become a huge business, the global revenue from which is estimated at more than $300 billion. More and more people are using social networks, and this process is not fully controlled by the state,” Roman Golovchenko said.

The use of personal data is growing exponentially. “The largest corporations store huge amounts of user data and use them to provide personalized services. However, regular leaks of large amounts of data expose the high vulnerability of such information,” the prime minister noted.

“Robots and artificial intelligence are becoming part and parcel of our lives. According to analysts, in 2030 they will generate more than 1% of global GDP growth. Industrial enterprises are revising their managerial and production processes, cutting direct labor costs through the use of digital technologies, and changing business models that have been in use for decades,” the Belarusian head of government added.
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