MINSK, 29 October (BelTA) – BRICS is a new platform for addressing global issues in a peaceful way, without seeking domination, Moldovan economist and analyst Serghei Banari said in a new episode of the V Teme [On Point] project on BelTA’s YouTube channel.
Speaking about the significance of BRICS, he noted: "This is a new platform for addressing global issues peacefully, without seeking domination and imposing the only subjective opinion of a power center. The organization includes at least three giants: India, China and Russia. China is undoubtedly the industrial center of the world. India has both a strong industrial and demographic potential. Russia has always been a kind of spiritual center that prevents any country from crossing the red line, taking over the world or using the platform for their own gains."
"In the 19th century it was France, in the 20th century it was Germany ruled by the British, because everyone realized that Joseph Stalin would never allow a unipolar world. That was why the United States did not feel so confident until 1953," the analyst noted.
"In the 19th century it was France, in the 20th century it was Germany ruled by the British, because everyone realized that Joseph Stalin would never allow a unipolar world. That was why the United States did not feel so confident until 1953," the analyst noted.
Serghei Banari added: "After Stalin's death, they spread their wings. All sorts of mankurts, I would even say historical mankurts, took power. Today the descendants of the victors of the Great Patriotic War are dealing with the ‘bombs’ that Khrushchev planted. I mean the Crimea, Sevastopol, and many other places that have become ‘time bombs’. It seems to me that this happened with some outside guidance. I should point out that at that time, the global West, its political class, and experts were true mastodons. They were laying a ground for decades. They were playing a long, fundamental game."