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28 June 2024, 16:16

Eismont hopes Lukashenko will author book about his presidency someday

Screenshot of the video by Belarus 1 TV channel
Screenshot of the video by Belarus 1 TV channel
MINSK, 28 June (BelTA) – Press Secretary of the Belarusian President Natalya Eismont told the Belarus 1 TV channel that she believes that someday Aleksandr Lukashenko will author a book or a series of books about his life and presidency, BelTA has learned.

“I am taking a huge risk right now by saying this publicly. But many people ask me whether the president plans on writing a book. It is clear that now is not the time for writing books, and we have not even asked the president about it. Yet, we all understand how important it is. This is the first president of our country and no one knows what he knows. I really hope and believe that such a book or a book series will see the light of the day some time in the future. At the right time. Everything must happen at the right time,” said the press secretary of the Belarusian leader.

When asked whether she might decide to write a memoir and reveal certain details, Natalya Eismont said she might think about it.

"I would not call it ‘a memoir’. If things pan out, if everything goes well, then I think I will do it. Not because I want to become a writer. Definitely not. But I understand the importance of this moment. I understand perfectly well that our enemies will write books, memoirs and what not, cementing all the lies that are still poured out on us today. We must speak up and tell our side of the story. When the moment comes we will. We are obliged to leave behind the truth, we are obliged to get it on paper," Natalya Eismont said.
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