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27 December 2019, 11:30

East or West, Home is Best: The New Reality built by Dana Holdings

Minsk is especially beautiful under Christmas lights. In the daytime Minsk looks every inch a European city - modern houses and apartment complexes, the central avenue teeming with brand-new foreign cars, shining windows of dress shops, and numerous bustling cafes... The entourage is quite European. But can you earn as much in this city as in Europe?

Yes, you can! It is not only young IT workers that shape the country's present-day image through their work and aspirations. People outside the IT sector also aspire to create a better tomorrow and seek to compete both domestically and internationally. The youth who are extremely sensitive to new opportunities are ready to go above and beyond to achieve more, seeking where to invest their energy and talents. And now, these young people will tell you what they do for a living and what they dream about.

Meet Yevgenia Vasilenok, the leading sales manager at Dana Holdings. This young, beautiful, сonfident girl says she was born in Belarus and it is here where she intends to live and work. She believes that her country which is located in the center of Europe is rapidly developing, boasts all the opportunities for the young generation to work productively and earn a decent living.

Yevgenia Vasilenok, the leading sales manager at Dana Holdings

“Many of my friends have gone to live abroad. We keep in touch. Some have settled in Germany, others in Canada. I also had chances to leave for the European Union and for the United States, but I decided to stay. After all, you can earn good money here. I have found a niche in which I can afford the same standard of living as my friends abroad. What's the point of leaving if I can achieve everything here? My peers in the IT in Minsk earn several thousand euros a month. My earnings exceed even these figures – it can be up to eight thousand euros a month! Of course, all payments are in rubles. I am convinced that there is an opportunity for growth in Belarus, although you should make an effort for that,” Yevgenia said.

She believes that young Belarusians under 30 can afford their own accommodation, a new car and they have everything in place to achieve a certain level of prosperity.

“I work with all kinds of people, and I have come to notice that young people tend to dream big and seek to invest in real estate. They are our most active customers,” Yevgenia said. By the way, thanks to a good salary Yevgenia has purchased an apartment and engaged in investment activities.

“I bought two apartments – one in the Tchaikovsky residential complex, and the other one in the Mayak Minska multifunctional complex. Tchaikovsky is located in the very center and prices for apartments in this complex are rising fast. Today they are 1.5-2 times higher than at the time when I bought my apartment there.

Tchaikovsky residential complex

The success of Mayak Minska was predictable. My apartment in this complex is now worth twice as much as I paid for it! |It is no wonder. After all, the most important things for real estate are location and infrastructure.

Mayak Minska complex

“Now my parents and I are eyeing the Park Chelyuskintsev complex. An apartment in this complex would be our next investment target,” Yevgenia said.

Park Chelyuskintsev complex

Sales manager at Dana Holdings Viktoria Slonimskaya got a job with the company nearly by accident. “I graduated from the university with a diploma in translation and interpretation. I was looking for a job when I heard that Dana Holdings was hiring. I started out as a front desk clerk. I have recently been promoted to the position of a sales manager. This job opened up great prospects for me. It also pays well. In October, for example, I managed to make about €5,000 in equivalent!” Viktoria said.

Dana Holdings sales manager Viktoria Slonimskaya

In her words, the new hire start their work at the company in the receptionist role in order to hone their communication skills. After that, they are taught paperwork and some legal aspects of contracts. After that, they are sent to work at the sales department where they communicate directly with customers.

Viktoria admits there are many clients. People are attracted by the terms of the deal: remarkable homes in great locations in the city, a simple and understandable procedure for paying for the apartments. And successful work with customers generates tangible financial results.

Viktoria Slonimskaya: “People are attracted by the terms of the deal: remarkable homes in great locations in the city, a simple and understandable procedure for paying for the apartments”

Victoria tells her story: “I was in university studying to become a translator and many of my fellow students left the country for good. When I get in touch with them, I can see that my standard of living is definitely at least as high as theirs. Then why did they have to leave their country and their families? I am considering buying an apartment in the Minsk World complex as my first one. I live nearby. The area is dear to me but most importantly the complex has a great future. Nothing else is like it in Minsk and in Belarus as a whole!”

Minsk World complex

Viktoria Alekseyeva, Senior Sales Manager at Dana Holdings, remarks that the company owes its popularity to years of successful work: “We are the most famous real estate developer nowadays. People talk about us a lot. Customers come to us because we are the best. We've implemented a lot of projects. All of it happens in the open where people can see it, this is why they trust us!”

Viktoria Alekseyeva, Senior Sales Manager at Dana Holdings

According to Viktoria Alekseyeva, Dana Holdings knows how to get through to customers. The sales office resembles rooms of a large and cozy apartment with the interior design to match. Customers are offered maximum comfort from the very first step. As people browse the available apartment options while sitting on a soft sofa sipping tea or coffee, they feel snug and at ease!

Viktoria Alekseyeva: “People talk about us a lot. Customers come to us because we are the best. We've implemented a lot of projects. All of it happens in the open where people can see it, this is why they trust us!”

If you put your back into it, results will follow, Victoria is convinced. Including financial gains: “Sometimes we earn €6,000, €7,000, or €8,000 per month depending on performance. This kind of salary is so pleasant that you can make your boldest dreams come true and have an apartment built in the residential complex of your liking. For instance, I've chosen Minsk World. I can travel, see other countries, and compare things. And I believe that our company builds the best things in Minsk!”

Mayak Minska residential complex

The Dana Holdings top management do not hide the fact that the best managers earn the equivalent of some €5,000-8,000 a month. Why should they hide this at all when the earnings are official, with all taxes paid and the results evaluated by performance only?

The Dana Holdings managers: “Investment in real estate in our country is more attractive than bank deposits in terms of profitability.”

The managers tell that the inflow of clients, both from Minsk and regions, is especially high on the New Year's Eve. There are a lot of foreigners, too, who are eager to invest in our real estate. Recently, people from the CIS countries, Europe and the United States have been actively investing both in residential and commercial real estate, as this sector in Belarus has been showing a steady increase in profitability. In other words, investment in real estate in our country is more attractive than bank deposits in terms of profitability.

“Today many customers are showing interest in the Park Chelyuskintsev residential complex,” says Viktoria Alekseyeva. “It is unique. There is only one such park in Minsk. Many people are dreaming of living in the neighborhood. It is a dream apartment where one opens the window to the sound of chirping birds and a breath of fresh air in the very heart of the city.

Park Chelyuskintsev residential complex

No new developments are planned in this area. There is no much time left for those who want to buy an apartment near the park. We have built almost all the houses and the number of available apartments is decreasing every day. There is no need to put off the purchase for longer. Living near a park is a dream to aspire for!

Park Chelyuskintsev homes

Living near a park is a dream to aspire for!

Dana Holdings has launched a New Year's Eve campaign to offer the most attractive terms to buy apartments in the Park Chelyuskintsev residential complex. The sales department will be open through the holidays. Everyone is welcome. We are ready to help you make the right choice. We are also ready to offer attractive financial instruments, including an installment plan from the property developer, partner credit programs of leading banks, and, most importantly, an individual approach to each client!

It is this approach that appeals to businesswoman Tatyana Bogdanovich the most. She has recently purchased her fifth commercial property in Mayak Minska, in the shopping mall that will soon open in the Michelangelo house, across the street from the National Library of Belarus.

Tatyana Bogdanovich

“The premises overlooking the library are so beautiful that all of them have already been leased out. My daughter who lives in Vienna and invests in real estate in Belarus has bought commercial property here too. My relatives from the USA are also eyeing real estate in Belarus. They are interested in the Minsk World complex. The official opening of the shopping mall is scheduled for 7 March. It will have a lot of boutiques, cafes, service outlets, and several bank offices.

Shopping mall in the Michelangelo house, across the street from the National Library

Tatyana Bogdanovich said that she has recently returned from Japan. Out of professional interest she compared investment terms in Belarus and Japan and concluded that Belarus is definitely more appealing. One square meter in Ginza, Tokyo's most famous shopping and entertainment district, costs up to $1 million, which makes real estate there affordable to only extremely rich people.

Japanese business people have taken interest in Belarus. Japanese businessmen heard that famous architect from Japan Takaharu Tezuka is set to design a kindergarten in the Chelyuskintsev Park complex in Minsk. Dana Holdings has launched a New Year sale of residential and commercial property in this complex.

This is indeed our new level!

...The Dana Holdings sales department at 9 Mstislavtsa Street is open every day, including on weekends and public holidays. It is difficult to work to such a schedule, but hard work bears fruit. This is how we create a new image of the city, take residents' comfort to a new level, and give a new impetus to business growth. This is how we open up new opportunities for those who associate their own life with the future of their country.

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