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15 September 2020, 13:51

Defense ministry: Military authorities of some countries support Belarus' course

MINSK, 15 September (BelTA) – Heads of defense and military authorities of several countries believe that Belarus is following the right course, Chief of the International Military Cooperation Department of the Belarusian Defense Ministry, Aide for International Military Cooperation to the Defense Minister Major General Oleg Voinov said in the article published on the website of the Belarusian Defense Ministry, BelTA has learned.

“In the current difficult situation, it is important that we are not alone. The support from our closest partners, especially our strategic partner Russia and ‘iron brother' China, proves that the path chosen by our country, our nation is the right one,” Oleg Voinov noted.

A lot of participants of the 6th international defense technology forum Army 2020 that took place in Moscow in late August expressed support for Belarus, its adopted course, and the president. Heads of defense and military authorities of member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Commonwealth of Independent States, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization also deemed Belarus' course as right during the joint meeting of the defense ministers of these organizations that was held in Moscow on 4 September.

Military representatives of foreign countries accredited abroad have also voiced support for Belarus. Among them are representatives not only of countries to the east and southeast of Belarus, but also of western countries. “To tell the truth, their opinion often does not coincide with the official stance of their countries about the ‘rigged' election or the ‘illegitimacy' of the incumbent president,” Oleg Voinov said.

Military representatives of some NATO and EU member states have also backed the actions of the Belarusian military and political authorities. “It is only logical to conclude that the position of these countries is too politicized and that they are pursuing certain political goals that involve the change of power in our country at any cost,” Oleg Voinov believes.

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