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07 April 2024, 14:35

Contribution of history studies to development of Belarus’ real economy explained

MINSK, 7 April (BelTA) – By studying history it is possible to contribute to the development of the real sector of the economy. Dean of the History Faculty of Belarusian State University Aleksandr Kokhanovsky explained it in a new episode of BelTA’s YouTube project V Teme [On Point].
Aleksandr Kokhanovsky said: “We have to work out our own point of view on the history of various regions. For instance, Africa. Today we have no one specializing in studying Africa and no historians that focus on Latin America countries. We need to train people specializing in these areas.”

According to the historian, these studies are significant for the real sector of economy. “We need specialists who will help promote our products in these regions. Taking into account local historical, political, and cultural peculiarities,” Aleksandr Kokhanovsky stressed.
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