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03 February 2024, 10:10

CIS to step up cooperation in groundwater monitoring

Photo courtesy of the CIS Executive Committee
Photo courtesy of the CIS Executive Committee
MINSK, 3 February (BelTA) - The CIS expert group met at the CIS Executive Committee Office in Moscow to coordinate the drafts of the Program for the Development of Cooperation between the CIS Member States in the Study, Use, Protection and Monitoring of Groundwater for the period up to 2030 and the action plan for its implementation, BelTA learned from the Department of Economic Cooperation of the CIS Executive Committee.

The meeting was attended by representatives of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, the CIS Executive Committee, as well as plenipotentiary representatives of Kyrgyzstan and Russia in the Economic Affairs Commission under the CIS Economic Council. The participants of the meeting focused on the detailed discussion of the proposals and comments submitted by the CIS states.

The draft program and the draft plan are aimed at developing a hydrogeological basis for balanced interstate use of the resource potential of the CIS countries' transboundary groundwater resources. The draft documents will make it possible to develop effective control mechanisms that will ensure sustainable and equitable use of groundwater resources, thus improving the quality of life of the population on the basis of environmental safety and mutually beneficial economic cooperation of the CIS countries.

Once harmonized, the CIS draft documents will be submitted for further consideration by the supreme bodies in accordance with the established procedure.
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