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19 February 2024, 10:33

CIS observers praise Belarus’ preparation for elections

 MINSK, 19 February (BelTA) - The CIS observation mission has published an interim report on the monitoring of the preparations for the local and parliamentary elections in Belarus, BelTA has learned.

“At the invitation of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the CIS observation mission is monitoring the preparations for the elections to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the eighth convocation, scheduled for 25 February 2024,” the interim report says. “According to the regulations on the CIS observation mission to the presidential and parliamentary elections, as well as referendums in the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the mission monitors only the elections to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus,” the report runs.

The mission started monitoring the election campaign on 22 January 2024, acting freely and independently, guided by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, documents adopted within the framework of the CIS, without interfering in the electoral process and in the internal affairs of the state. As of 19 February, 228 observers representing Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS member states, the Parliamentary Assembly of the CSTO, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, the Standing Committee of the Union State, the CIS Executive Committee were accredited as part of the mission. There are 50 observers working on a long-term basis. Their activities are coordinated by the mission headquarters in Minsk.

The CIS observers discussed the election campaign with the leadership of the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General's Office, and the Internal Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Belarus. Meetings were held with the election headquarters of the Belarusian Party Belaya Rus, the Communist Party of Belarus, the Liberal Democratic Party of Belarus, and the Republican Party of Labor and Justice. The mission works openly and publicly. The mission headquarters issues informational reports on the progress of election observation. CIS long-term observers are open for communication with representatives of mass media, including in the regions of the country.

“The elections are held on the basis of the norms of the Constitution, the Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus, a number of other legislative acts, as well as resolutions of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Belarus explaining certain provisions of the electoral legislation. The experts of the mission headquarters and the CIS IPA International Institute for Monitoring the Development of Democracy, Parliamentarism and Observance of the Electoral Rights of Citizens are finalizing the analysis of the electoral legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Guided by Article 13 of the Code, the mission will present its opinion on the electoral legislation of the Republic of Belarus after election day in the final document,” the interim report says.

According to the mission, the Central Election Commission is working on the organization of the election campaign in a systematic and planned manner. In order to improve the knowledge, business and professional skills of election organizers, a lot of work has been done to train them.

CIS observers note that the work of the Central Election Commission is based on the principles of collegiality and openness. The CEC meetings are held with the participation of observers and media representatives and are broadcast online on its official website.

As part of the long-term monitoring of the election campaign, members of the mission visit territorial, district and precinct commissions in all regions of Belarus and the city of Minsk. The CIS observers note that the commissions are provided with means of communication, office equipment necessary for the organization of voting, legal and methodological literature. Information about candidates and voting procedures is also available.

According to the mission, the central and lower-level election commissions are taking necessary measures to prepare and conduct the elections at a high organizational level and in strict compliance with the country's legislation.

The mission notes that the campaign is proceeding in a calm and organized manner, in strict compliance with the requirements of the electoral legislation. According to the CIS observers, the candidates have equal conditions for campaigning. Election commissions at all levels and the mass media are providing comprehensive information support for the election campaign.

The mission will reflect its conclusions and assessments in its final document.
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