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03 February 2025, 17:48

CIS Observation Mission: Belarus’ president election was free, competitive

MINSK, 3 February (BelTA) – The Observation Mission from the Commonwealth of Independent States has released a statement on the observation of the preparation and conduct of the presidential election in the Republic of Belarus on 26 January 2025, BelTA learned.

296 observers were accredited as part of the Mission. 40 observers worked on a long-term basis. Their activities were coordinated by the Mission headquartered in Minsk.

The work of the Mission was open and transparent. The Mission issued press releases and an interim report on the progress of the observation, and gave interviews to mass media. The Mission noted that the necessary conditions were provided to the international observers for their activities in Belarus.
“The election was held on the basis of the Constitution, the Electoral Code, other legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus, and also the resolutions of the Central Election Commission explaining certain procedures for the organization of the election campaign,” the statement said. “Experts of the Mission and the CIS IPA International Institute for Monitoring Democracy Development analyzed the electoral legislation of the Republic of Belarus and noted that it guarantees the right of a citizen to elect and be elected, ensures freedom of elections on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot, judicial and other protection of electoral rights and freedoms, public and international observation of elections.”

According to the Mission, the electoral legislation of the Republic of Belarus meets the universally recognized principles and norms of international law and is a sufficient legal basis for free and democratic elections. The Mission noted the systemic and consistent work of the Central Election Commission during the electoral period. The Mission considers that the nomination and registration of presidential candidates complied with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. The Mission believes that the campaign was conducted in a calm and organized manner, in strict compliance with the electoral legislation. The candidates were provided with generally equal conditions for campaigning and were ensured the right to speak in mass media.

“The necessary conditions for people with disabilities were created at polling stations. Precinct commissions provided the opportunity to vote to voters who, for health reasons or other valid reasons, could not come to a polling station on the election day. On the basis of a written or oral request submitted to a precinct commission not later than 18.00 on 26 January, voting was organized at a voter’s place of residence using portable voting boxes,” the statement said. “The Central Election Commission identified six polling stations in all regional centers and the city of Minsk for voters permanently residing abroad and having consular registration.”

On the election day, the CIS observers visited 2,383 polling stations in all regions of the country and the city of Minsk. “At the polling stations that the mission members visited the voting was held in a calm atmosphere; voter turnout was high. The premises of precinct commissions had the necessary equipment and information materials,” the statement reads.

More than 44,000 national observers took part in the monitoring of the voting, which, according to the Mission, allowed for a broad civilian control over the elections. CIS observers were present during vote count by precinct commissions and noted that the procedure was conducted in accordance with the Electoral Code.

According to the Mission, the Central Election Commission, territorial and precinct commissions with the assistance of the authorities of the Republic ensured that the election campaign was conducted at a high organizational level.

“The CIS Observation Mission comes to the conclusion that the election of the President of the Republic of Belarus held on 26 January 2025: was held in full compliance with the Constitution and the Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus; was free, transparent, competitive and in line with the principles of democratic elections; ensured the right of citizens of the Republic of Belarus to freely express their will,” the statement reads.
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