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23 February 2024, 16:45

CIS chief: Belarus’ decision not to invite Western observers is justified

DZERZHINSK DISTRICT, 23 February (BelTA) – Belarus’ decision not to invite Western observers is logical and justified, CIS Secretary General and head of the CIS observation mission at Belarus’ elections Sergei Lebedev said as he visited polling stations in Dzerzhinsk District of Minsk Oblast, BelTA has learned.
“I have seen with my own eyes that this is a very good form of voting. It allows choosing the most convenient day for the voter,” Sergei Lebedev said, answering the question why he considers early voting a good format of elections.
According to him, many Western countries allow early voting; nevertheless they criticize Belarus and other CIS countries for doing exactly the same. “We take these criticisms in stride and with scepticism. They criticize us and will continue to do so. Therefore, the decision of Belarus not to invite Western observers is quite logical and justified,” said Sergei Lebedev. “There is no need to come here to look for some fictitious flaws and violations in organizing elections,” he said.
The head of the mission visited District Election Commission No. 71, polling stations No. 1 and No. 2 in Dzerzhinsk, and also laid flowers at the memorial sign “In memory of the Belarusian partisan movement” in the village of Stankovo.
The CIS election observation mission began its work in Belarus on 22 January. The mission consists of experts and employees of the CIS Executive Committee, representatives of the CIS countries. 

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