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10 January 2024, 17:59

Children of Donbass describe holidays in Belarus as magical

GOMEL, 10 January (BelTA) - A group of 35 children from the Antratsit developmental education boarding school departed home on 10 January after the holiday in a health resort in Mogilev Oblast. Before their journey back home, the children received good wishes and gifts from representatives of the Gomel Oblast government, Gomel Eparchy, public associations and enterprises of the region, BelTA has learned. 
Artem Pankratov said he will remember the journey to Belarus for a long time. "We were warmly welcomed. We went on interesting trips. In Belarus we celebrated the New Year and Christmas. The atmosphere was wonderful. Surprises were many!"  the 16-year-old boy noted. 

"Belarus is a very remarkable, kind, beautiful country with sincere people.” 
 Yaroslava celebrated her eighth birthday in Belarus. Accepting sincere congratulations and gifts from Gomel citizens, the girl said she would remember this day as one of the happiest ones.  
13-year-old Artem Guzev holidayed in Belarus together with his siblings. "I enjoyed everything a lot. I am leaving Belarus with the most vivid emotions," he said. 
"Food is super delicious here,” his little sister Olya added. The girl was also very impressed by the trips. "In general, I will remember every day spent here. Especially the New Year. We were given a true fairytale, a miracle, magic,” Olya Guzeva thanked for the warm welcome. 
In Belarus, seven-year-old Serezha Guzev began to believe in miracles. Speaking to Alla Smolyak, Chairwoman of the Gomel Oblast organization of the Belarusian Red Cross, the boy said that he was dreaming of a phone. Even before Serezha got on the train, he received a new gadget as a gift. 
 "The holiday was perfect. The children had a full rest. They underwent medical examination and treatment. They had a rich exciting program, wonderful trips and various friendly meetings. We were constantly surrounded by attention and love. We all take away the warmest memories," boarding school teacher Nellya Denisenko said. 
At the meeting with the children, His Eminence Stefan, Archbishop of Gomel and Zhlobin, emphasized: the Belarusian believers always respond to the misfortune of their neighbors, and especially if they are children from the areas affected by hostilities. "We pray that the Lord grant peace to this land, that we all live in peace as we once did. We are always ready to lend a helping hand to our neighbors," Archbishop of Gomel and Zhlobin Stefan said. 
 "I would like to wish all of you strong health, prosperity. Carry peace in your hearts. God bless you," he added. 

"This is not the first time that we have hosted the children of Donbass. Every time there are more and more people who want to join the good cause. These are public associations, enterprises, and caring people because everyone empathizes and is ready to help," said Denis Yezersky, chairman of the Committee for Ideological Work and Youth Affairs of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee.

Good and heartfelt wishes were also voiced by Alena Klitschkovskaya, the chair of the regional organization of the Belarusian Women's Union. She noted that the children of Donbass have already experienced and seen a lot. "Today we are sharing our hearts with you. We want you to remember our country with warmth, and to visit us many more times," Alena Klitschkovskaya said. 

Yulia Malova, a representative of the Aleksei Talai Charitable Foundation in the city of Gomel and Gomel Oblast, sincerely thanked everyone who helped to organize the holidays for the children. "Together we are doing good, great things. Together we gave the children the feeling of a true Christmas fairytale," she said. Yulia Malova recalled that the visit was organized by the Aleksei Talai Foundation within the framework of the Christmas Fairytale for Donbass Children program of the We are One Family! project with the support of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee.
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