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08 June 2024, 10:03

BelTA’s chief comments on Putin’s meeting with senior editors: ‘Facts instead of emotions’ 

Screenshot from Belarus 1 TV show 'Editors'Club'
Screenshot from Belarus 1 TV show 'Editors'Club'
MINSK, 8 June (BelTA) - Facts instead of emotions, BelTA Director General Irina Akulovich said on the air of the Belarus 1 TV channel as she commented on the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with senior editors from international news agencies, BelTA has learned. 

The BelTA director general took part in the meeting of the Russian leader with senior editors from international news agencies. According to her, this meeting is a vivid example of how facts can always outweigh emotions. "All the questions that were addressed to Putin from the United States, the UK, France, Germany, Spain were emotionally charged. They were answered with facts... Actually Putin called for dialogue. And you know, there was no dialogue," Irina Akulovich said. “Senior editors asked questions that, as the Russian president noted, were formulated by their editorial offices." 

All these questions were built on emotions and provocations. "There was a question about the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine that mass media are now hyping about. They are spinning the story that Putin has nearly declared a third world war. The president asked a counter question: ‘we did not talk about nuclear weapons at all. Why are you now asking this question again at a press conference?" Irina Akulovich said. 

The meeting of the Russian leader with senior editors from international news agencies is further proof of how the foreign media are willing to present facts in a light favorable to them, to twist them in their own way. This does catch the eye.
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