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06 May 2024, 14:21

Belarusian parliament approves bill on suspension of CFE Treaty

MINSK, 6 May (BelTA) - The bill “On Suspension of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty)” was passed at the meeting of the first session of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus of the eighth convocation on 6 May, BelTA has learned.

The draft law has been prepared to ensure the national interests of the Republic of Belarus and as a response to the decision of NATO member countries to suspend the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe signed in Paris on 19 November 1990. The Treaty provides for limits on the total levels of conventional armaments and equipment in five main categories (tanks, armored combat vehicles, artillery, attack helicopters and combat aircraft), as well as mechanisms for verifying compliance with obligations (exchange of information and inspections).

The Republic of Belarus fully complies with its obligations under the Treaty, including strictly adhering to the established limits on the availability of armaments, military equipment and personnel of the armed forces, and timely submitting relevant information and current notifications to States Parties to the Treaty.

On 21 March 2023, the Polish government adopted a decision not to implement the Treaty with respect to Belarus. The Czech Republic notified the suspension of its obligations under the treaty through the OSCE Communications Network in August 2022. As part of the response to the unfriendly steps of Poland and the Czech Republic, Belarus adopted Act No. 305-Z of 16 October 2023 “On Suspension of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe with Respect to the Republic of Poland and the Czech Republic”, on the basis of which the Republic of Belarus suspended the treaty with respect to the above-mentioned states on 30 October 2023.

The treaty suspension does not mean that the Republic of Belarus has withdrawn from it or that the Armed Forces have ceased to carry out internal procedures related to its implementation. In practical terms, suspension will mean the suspension of the provision of information on conventional armaments and equipment of the Republic of Belarus and the receipt and conduct of inspections to monitor compliance with the numerical limitations on conventional armaments and equipment established by the provisions of the treaty.
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