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31 January 2024, 13:35

Belarusian Embassy condemns desecration of war monument in Yerevan

A video screenshot
A video screenshot
MINSK, 31 January (BelTA) – The incident that occurred near the monument commemorating the children of the besieged Leningrad in Yerevan on 27 January is an outrageous act aimed at desecrating the memory of the fallen and memory-holing the feat of the Belarus, Russia and Armenia peoples during the Great Patriotic War, the Belarusian Embassy in Armenia said in a statement posted on its website, BelTA has learned.
“Our country annually holds events to mark the liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi siege and honors war veterans of the besieged Leningrad who call 27 January 1944 as “our Leningrad Victory Day”. It is with a heavy heart that we respond to any steps aimed at inciting interethnic hatred and rewriting the history of the war that claimed the lives of every third Belarusian,” the embassy said.
“The embassy strongly condemns the outrageous act of vandalism and attempts to drive a wedge between the fraternal peoples,” the Belarusian diplomats said.
"We are confident that our common heroic past is meant to serve as a unifying factor and moral compass for the present and future generations. We expect an adequate response from the state authorities of Armenia and the prosecution of those responsible,” the embassy added.

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