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25 June 2022, 14:39

Belarusian defense minister emphasizes importance of ensuring independence, territorial integrity

MINSK, 25 June (BelTA) – The ensuring of independence and territorial integrity of the Belarusian state is acquiring a special meaning in modern conditions. Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin made the statement during a graduation ceremony in the Military Academy, BelTA has learned.

Viktor Khrenin said: “Today is a remarkable day in the life of Belarus' Armed Forces: graduates of the Military Academy will join the officer corps of our country. Over 470 lieutenants are about to begin a new stage of military service in the Belarusian army and other defense, security, and law enforcement agencies.”

The official remarked that traditionally graduation is organized on the eve of the key holiday of Belarusian statehood – Independence Day. “In the course of its history the Belarusian nation went through many trials but preserved national identity and managed to create its own state and put every effort into its development and prosperity,” Viktor Khrenin noted.

The defense minister added that not everyone in the world agrees that the small and comparatively young state of Belarus has the right to pursue an independent policy in the interests of its own nation. “At present amid the complicated military political situation efforts to secure strategic national interests are acquiring a special meaning. The interests include independence, territorial integrity, sovereignty, and inviolability of the state system,” Viktor Khrenin said.

He stressed that today's graduates of the Military Academy will have to defend key values of the Belarusian nation – peace and security. They will have to protect sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence of Belarus. According to the defense minister, peaceful life of millions of Belarusians and the possibility of further development of the Belarusian state depend on the professionalism of today's graduates.

Viktor Khrenin went on saying: “In the army units, military command and control bodies, and military education institutions where you will serve you will have to carry out tasks to ensure their high combat readiness, to educate and train your subordinates, master new weapons. You have received modern military education in the national military school. But the art of war always develops. Weapons and combat equipment develop and combat skills advance. All of it will require you to constantly improve your professional skills.”

In his opinion, work with people is the most important thing for an officer. “Be demanding and caring commanders. Remember that high morale, patriotism of the Belarusian nation on the basis of heroic traditions of the elder generation lie at the heart of security of our state. It is particularly topical in the Year of Historical Memory,” Viktor Khrenin is convinced.

In conclusion the defense minister congratulated the graduates on the successful completion of their education and congratulated commanding officers and professors on a job well done. The defense minister wished happiness, strong health, and success in military service for the benefit of the Motherland to the graduates.

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