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06 August 2021, 14:36

Belarusian border security reinforced

MINSK, 6 August (BelTA) – Upon instructions of the head of state the security of the state border of the Republic of Belarus has been enhanced, BelTA learned from Anton Bychkovsky, spokesman of the State Border Committee of Belarus.

The official said: “Taking into account the evolving situation when the Lithuanian side transports foreigners, who seek asylum in countries of the European Union, to our border and in order to prevent provocations from the Lithuanian side, the Belarusian border service uses all the necessary forces and assets to prevent the illegal crossing of the Belarusian border.”

In his words, mobile tactical reserves of the border service are deployed along the entire Belarusian-Lithuanian border. They have received additional equipment to carry out assigned tasks.

Lukashenko orders to reinforce border securityLukashenko orders to reinforce border security
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko instructed the law enforcement and security services to to beef up border protection and to prevent border violation cases as he spoke at a meeting to discuss the situation at the border.

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