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22 March 2025, 11:50

Belarus security chief: Khatyn is testament to utmost courage of people who defeated fascism

LOGOISK DISTRICT, 22 March (BelTA) – Khatyn is a testament to the utmost courage of the people who defeated fascism, State Secretary of the Belarusian Security Council Aleksandr Volfovich said at a ceremony in the Khatyn memorial complex to commemorate the 82nd anniversary of the tragedy of the Belarusian village, BelTA learned.
 “Today we are here to observe another anniversary of the Khatyn tragedy. We pay tribute to the memory and show deep respect to our compatriots who perished during the Great Patriotic War. Not only to the Belarusian people - to all the peoples of the large Soviet Union, who were affected by the war. Such memorial complexes as Khatyn, other memorial complexes in Russia, Belarus and other places are not only symbols of suffering. They are monuments to the utmost courage of the people who survived the horrifying war, the people who defeated fascism, who liberated not only their country, but also many countries of Europe from fascism. They are an invaluable source of historical memory, the memory of the people who experienced the tragedy of the worst ever war,” Aleksandr Volfovich said.
According to him, it is very important to remember. “It is very important to remember and come to such places as often as possible. To bring children, young people. To tell them, among these living testaments so to say, the historical facts”, the state secretary said.

“An information war is raging in the world, including against our country, against Belarus. The information war is aimed at rewriting history, at falsifying events, at reformatting thoughts and mindset of the younger generation,” Aleksandr Volfovich emphasized. “This is why Belarus sees the historical memory among the national interests. And we protect our national interests. And how do we protect them? By coming here, remembering, bringing young people. I would say that such memorials serve as a shield against the challenges and threats facing sovereign states and peoples today in the information domain. Belarus understands this very well.”

Belarus is set to ensure security and peace. “By holding such events we make a contribution to ensuring security. We protect our national interests in this way, because life requires it. If we don't protect, if we don't remember, history will be rewritten and we will re-experience the things of 80 years ago. We do not want that,” the state secretary said. “It is important to remember, to appreciate, to educate young people on historical examples, on the examples of the memory of our ancestors, who were indeed a great generation of winners.”

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