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11 June 2020, 18:44

Belarus-Russia military cooperation discussed

MINSK, 11 June (BelTA) – Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus Aleksandr Volfovich has talked to Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia Valery Gerasimov over the phone. The call was placed upon the initiative of the Belarusian side, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Volfovich and Valery Gerasimov exchanged opinions about the military and political situation in the Eastern Europe region. The commonality of views on threats to security of subjects of the Union State of Belarus and Russia – the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation – was stressed.

Aleksandr Volfovich and Valery Gerasimov also discussed preparations for the next session of the Military Committee of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and topical aspects of Belarus-Russia military cooperation. In particular, the sides discussed the participation of Belarusian army units in the Victory Parade in Moscow on 24 June, progress in preparations for the International Army Games, preparations for the CSTO peacekeeping forces exercise Nerushimoye Bratstvo 2020 [Unbreakable Brotherhood]. Apart from that, the sides discussed preparations for the joint strategic army exercise Zapad 2021, the participation of Belarusian army units in the strategic command and staff exercise Kavkaz 2020, and the implementation of the Belarus-Russia bilateral cooperation plan.

The sides praised the level of interaction in military affairs and sketched out ways to further advance cooperation. The conversation proceeded in a friendly and constructive manner, representatives of the Belarusian Defense Ministry told BelTA.

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