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16 September 2020, 18:14

Belarus, Russia discuss military cooperation

MINSK, 16 September (BelTA) – Belarus' Defense Minister, Major-General Viktor Khrenin and Russia's Defense Minister, General of the Army Shergei Shoigu held talks in Minsk on 16 September, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Defense Ministry.

“During the talks, the Belarusian defense minister stressed the importance of close cooperation between the two countries in the military sector, especially in the current difficult military and political situation. He also expressed his gratitude to the military and political leadership of the Russian Federation for the support provided to Belarus in this difficult period,” the ministry said.

The parties discussed the implementation of the plan of cooperation between the defense ministries of the two countries. According to the Russian defense minister, despite the pandemic, there is a possibility to effectively use the time remaining until the end of the year to implement the plan. The main focus will be on operational and combat training activities.

The parties discussed issues related to the first stage of the exercise Slavic Brotherhood 2020, which has been underway in Belarus since 14 September, as well as the readiness for the second stage of the exercise in late September. Belarusian servicemen have arrived in Astrakhan Oblast for strategic command and staff exercise Caucasus 2020. The command and staff exercise featuring the CSTO peacekeeping forces Irrepressible Brotherhood 2020 will take place in Belarus from 12 October till 16 October.

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