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26 January 2025, 07:00

Belarus goes to polls in presidential election 

MINSK, 26 January (BelTA) – An election of the president of the Republic of Belarus is taking place today, BelTA has learned.

Early voting took place on 21-25 January. Voter turnout was quite high: as many as 41.81% of the registered voters cast their votes early as part of the Belarus president election.

As many as 5,325 polling stations have been set up all over the country. They will work from 8:00 till 20:00 today. Voters, whose names are on the lists, will be able to get a ballot by producing a passport (an ID card). They can also produce a different personal identification document: a driver’s license, a personal identification card of a physically challenged person (if it has a photo) or a pensioner identification document. Active service military personnel can obtain a ballot by producing their military service cards. Civil servants can produce a service certificate. If a citizen has lost their passport (ID card) or the document has been stolen, a police department can issue the relevant papers, which also confirm the person’s identity. Young Belarusians can also vote by producing a student card.

Ballot papers contain information about five presidential candidates. A square is located opposite each candidate. Voters are supposed to put any sign such as a check mark in one of the squares to identify the candidate they vote for. If a voter makes a mistake or spoils the ballot paper while filling in the ballot paper, he or she can get a new ballot paper from the polling station’s election commission. However, this right can be exercised only once.

The ballot papers are written in the Belarusian language. During this election campaign they are supplemented with a note for voters: a warning that the law prohibits photographing and videotaping of filled-in ballots as well as taking the ballot outside the voting room. The ballot is color-coded on the back side. At least two members of the polling station commission have to sign the back of the ballot paper on the eve of the ballot day. If the signatures are absent, the ballots will be recognized as invalid.

Voters have the ability to vote at home. If a voter cannot come to the voting room due to health issues or other valid reasons, he or she has the right to apply in writing or verbally to the relevant polling station commission with a request to organize voting at his or her domicile. The voter may submit such a request to the polling station commission by enlisting the aid of other persons, for instance, relatives or neighbors. No official confirmation of the reason the voter cannot come to the polling station is required. A voter can request to organize voting at his or her domicile by 18:00 on 26 January.

Voters with disabilities will be provided with necessary assistance at polling stations. Information materials about candidates for the president of the Republic of Belarus in Braille type as well as stencils for filling in the ballot paper on their own have been made for the blind. Volunteers will be able to assist the people at the polling stations.

The website of Belarus’ CEC can help voters find the right polling station. By specifying the necessary data, any voter can find out where the polling station is located in order to take part in an event the country deems important: the election of the president of the Republic of Belarus.

Campaigning is prohibited by law today, on the main election day.
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