MINSK, 30 July (BelTA) – Administrators of Telegram channels are personally accountable for calls to breach public order, Belarus' First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs – Chief of the Criminal Police Gennady Kazakevich said in an interview with the Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned.
“We are witnessing disregard of social conventions, the so-called social disinhibition when users believe that they are anonymous and unrecognizable and thus free from all taboos. From the point of view of the law, it does not matter how you call for civil unrest – standing on a square or sitting in a comfortable chair somewhere abroad or in your countryside house,” Gennady Kazakevich said.
He emphasized that administrators of Telegram channels are personally accountable for all the actions they are doing online. “If they call for any violation of public order, we can easily find them and suppress such actions in the nascence or during their implementation,” he noted.
However, Gennady Kazakhstan added that messengers and social networks are just instruments. Thus it would be unprofessional to consider their blocking.