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06 February 2024, 13:02

Belarus’ new military doctrine suggests measures to respond to risks, challenges, threats

MINSK, 6 February (BelTA) – Belarus’ new military doctrine spells out measures to respond to the risks, challenges and threats to the state's military danger, Vladimir Apolonik, the head of the second desk of the Information and Analysis Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus, said in a new episode of BelTA’s The Nation Speaks project.

“The draft of the military doctrine interprets risks, challenges and threats in a different way. But before turning to them, it should be said that military danger is a state of interstate relations. If actors of international relations intend to use military force to inflict harm on the national interests of our country, we consider it a risk,” Vladimir Apolonik said.

Challenge refers to a situation when a particular actor in international relations not only intends, but also has the capabilities to inflict this harm. A threat is a state of interstate relations in which, apart from intentions and capabilities, certain actions are taken to inflict harm to national interests, Vladimir Apolonik said.

“There is also the imminent threat of aggression - a state of interstate relations that could lead to the outbreak of war. The essence of our military doctrine is that we have certain measures for each of these stages that must be taken to prevent military danger from escalating to a higher level. Thus, we react to the military danger at the risk level,” Vladimir Apolonik stated.

He believes that this is a very important innovation of military doctrine. “If before we reacted to a threat, now we are trying to prevent it,” he concluded.
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