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19 January 2024, 13:50

Belarus’ defense minister explains decision to update military doctrine

MINSK, 19 January (BelTA) - The updated military doctrine can serve as a basis for resolving the situation in Europe and starting a peace process, Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin said at a briefing, BelTA has learned.
"With all the changes and additions that have been made, the draft military doctrine came out as a practically new document. A number of amendments have been introduced to it," Viktor Khrenin said.
The defense minister expressed confidence that the updated military doctrine could serve as a basis for resolving the situation in Europe and initiating a peace dialogue. "First of all, it shows Belarus' interest in reinstating the authority of international security organizations such as the UN, OSCE and others, their effective work to prevent and resolved armed conflicts," he stressed.
Viktor Khrenin also noted that the draft military doctrine declares that Belarus is open to military cooperation with all states. "We are ready to resume pragmatic dialogue, including with NATO countries, provided they drop their aggressive rhetoric and actions against us," he said.
The defense minister highlighted the doctrine's focus on preventing military conflicts. The list of military dangers includes the possibility of opponents using military force against Belarus, be it in peacetime or during a military and political crisis.
"This is what we are currently facing on our southern and western border. Of course, provocations, armed actions and incidents by our neighbors do not constitute a military conflict. But it is necessary to respond to them, first and foremost by means of strategic deterrence. This is what we are doing now, demonstrating the high combat readiness of all components of the country’s military machine," Viktor Khrenin said.

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