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29 January 2024, 12:58

Belarus, China sign roadmap for cooperation in environmental protection

Photo courtesy of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Ministry
Photo courtesy of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Ministry
MINSK, 29 January (BelTA) - A roadmap for cooperation for 2024-2026 has been signed by Andrei Khudyk, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus, and Huang Runqiu, the Minister of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China, BelTA learned from the press service of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus. 

Belarus and China have drawn up the document in furtherance of the agreements made during the meeting of the heads of the environmental ministries on 21 September 2023 as a delegation of the Belarusian ministry visited China.              

The roadmap outlines various concrete collaborative initiatives aimed at addressing the detrimental human impact on the environment. Its primary goals are to create favorable living conditions for the population, improve the environment, and effectively mitigate the climate change and adapt to it for sustainable, environmentally sound socio-economic development. Other areas of joint work include air quality management, integrated waste management, conservation and restoration of biodiversity, promotion of smart cities and clean transport, capacity building of environmental institutions and enforcement of environmental legislation.

 To execute the roadmap, Belarus and China will set up working groups that will conduct meetings, conferences, arrange visits, and coordinate other events.

"The document will become a valuable contribution to the treasury trove of bilateral relations between Belarus and China and will serve to further deepen the all-weather and all-round strategic partnership between the two countries," the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment stressed.
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