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24 November 2021, 15:44

Belarus' border service: Polish security forces continue gassing refugees

MINSK, 24 November (BelTA) - The situation on the Belarusian-Polish border remains tense. Polish security forces continue to use gas against refugees, the Belarusian State Border Committee told BelTA.

"On 23 November, two foreigners approached the fence on the Polish border and asked for an opportunity to apply for refugee status. The men did not show any aggressive behavior. Despite their peaceful appeals, Polish servicemen sprayed pepper gas on them,” the State Border Committee said. “One of the foreigners asked for medical help. In response, the Polish soldiers, who were watching the sufferings of the foreigner, just had a chuckle. Another refugee, shooting a video, was commenting on everything that was happening and repeatedly called on the Polish security forces to stop it. When the Polish law enforcement officers got tired of listening to the requests for help, they, again, cynically sprayed pepper gas on the person in need of protection and said ‘go away'.”

Another incident occurred at night, when a group of refugees attempted to cross into the territory of Poland. The people made this desperate move due to the lack of legal opportunity to apply for protection in the EU.

"This time, the Polish security forces ‘welcomed' the refugees with a volley of automatic gunfire. To prevent possible provocations, Belarusian military shut this border section down," the committee added.

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