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25 January 2024, 09:25

Belarus approves migration policy concept

MINSK, 25 January (BelTA) – The Council of Ministers’ Resolution No. 48 as of 23 January 2024 has approved the concept of the 2024-2028 migration policy of Belarus. The document was published on the National Legal Internet Portal, BelTA has learned.
The goal of Belarus’ migration policy is to create conditions that ensure national security, sustainable economic growth and improvement of the living standards, demographic security, protection of the labor market and integration of migrants into the labor market.
The document outlines the main areas of international cooperation in the field of migration. There are plans to create a single migration space in Belarus and Russia to achieve the goals of the Union State, to deepen cooperation on migration issues within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Commonwealth of Independent States, and to step up international efforts to combat illegal migration.
With a view to optimizing internal and external migration flows, there are plans to encourage voluntary resettlement to Belarus of persons “who have values similar to the values of the local population and who want to integrate into Belarusian society to realize their intellectual, cultural and investment potential”. This also applies to Belarusians living abroad. Belarus is ready to create conditions for the adaptation and integration of migrants, to promote migration related to investment, entrepreneurial, innovative and education activities, as well as to encourage academic mobility.
The implementation of the resolution will be overseen by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Security Committee, the Labor and Social Security Ministry, the State Border Committee, the State Customs Committee, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Economy Ministry, the Sports and Tourism Ministry, the Education Ministry, the Healthcare Ministry and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

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