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23 August 2024, 13:11

Apostolic Nuncio Josic: Belarus is an example to others  in terms of upholding family values 

MINSK, 23 August (BelTA) - Belarus is an example for the world in terms of upholding family values, outgoing Apostolic Nuncio to Belarus Ante Josic told the media following the meeting with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko in Minsk on 23 August, BelTA has learned. 

The representative of the Vatican said that he is taking a lot of positive impressions with him from Belarus. "Positive things always set an example to others, and they are of great help for everyone else. There are many good things in your country," Apostolic Nuncio Ante Josic said.  

The Apostolic Nuncio said that he recently gave an interview to journalists and spoke about these positive moments. "I have a lot of positive things to say about your country, especially about the Church, as a good example both for Europe and for the world. What I have seen here are important values: moral values, family values that we do not see in the West," Apostolic Nuncio Ante Josic stressed.

The Roman Catholic Church in the Republic of Belarus is the second denomination in terms of the number of believers. Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Holy See were established on 11 November 1992. The Apostolic Nunciature operates in Minsk. Aleksandr Lukashenko visited the Vatican twice on official visits - in 2009 and 2016. In 2016, the president extended an invitation to the Pope to visit Belarus. In 2008-2023, Minsk hosted 12 visits of representatives of the Roman Curia, including two visits of secretaries of state of the Holy See, who were received by the head of state

In October 2017, Deputy Secretary of State Giovanni Becciu attended the official opening of the new building of the Apostolic Nunciature in Minsk timed to coincide with the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Holy See. In November-December 2022, the Vatican organized a number of events in Minsk for the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations - a festive reception, joint postage stamp dedication ceremony, presentation of the translation of the Code of Canon Law into Belarusian prepared by the Vatican. High representatives of the Vatican regularly participate in celebrations on the occasion of significant dates related to Catholicism in Belarus. 

The approaches of Belarus and the Holy See on key issues on the international agenda largely coincide: the need to reform the Helsinki Pact, hopes for the revival of the principle of multilateralism and impartiality in the UN, the value of dialogue as the only true way to resolve conflicts, the understanding that the topic of food security should stand above the political situation. Minsk and the Vatican maintain productive relations in the UN and are focused on combating human trafficking, protecting the natural family and traditional family values.
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