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23 May 2024, 12:15

Russian president to pay official visit to Belarus on 23-24 May

MINSK, 23 May (BelTA) - Minsk will host the Belarus-Russia summit as Russian President Vladimir Putin travels to Minsk on official visit on 23-24 May, BelTA by the press service of the Belarusian leader. 

The leaders of Belarus and Russia will meet one-on-one and then will be joined by members of the delegations at the Palace of Independence on 24 May.

The parties are expected to discuss the state and prospects for the development of the entire range of Belarusian-Russian relations: the integration agenda and the status of the decisions taken by the Supreme State Council of the Union State, political dialogue, joint trade, economic and cooperation projects, security, and humanitarian cooperation.

The focus will also be on the international agenda, the situation in the region, and a joint response to emerging challenges and threats.
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