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01 January 2024, 00:10

New Year’s Eve address of Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko to Belarusian nation

Aleksandr Lukashenko
Aleksandr Lukashenko
My fellow Belarusians!
Guests of Belarus!

In just a few moments we will step into the new year 2024.
But we are already imagining what it will look like. We think about our future.
As we bid farewell to the Year of Peace and Creation, we wish for the next year to be as peaceful for all of us, for Belarus. Peaceful for our neighbors and for all the people. And certainly, we want more good things to happen.
There is no peace without creation and no creation without peace.
Tomorrow as well we want to see how couples in love become families. We want to congratulate parents on the birth of their children, feel joy for friends and families, who have waited long enough to see grandchildren and great grandchildren born.
It is important for us to be healthy, see how kids go to kindergartens and schools with joy, and yesterday’s students become true professionals.

It is important for us to know that our elderly and people with special needs are surrounded with care and attention.
This is why I thank everyone, who fully commit themselves to the most complicated work – work with people – and justify the trust of millions of their compatriots day after day.
It is our way – the way of creation, a lifelong road through life, along which we walk day after day.

We would like our apartments and homes to stay as cozy and warm in the new year. We would like to see tasty and wholesome food on our tables and well-tended peaceful streets, children’s playgrounds and green parks outside our windows.
We would like to see how our cities and towns grow, how life in the countryside becomes more comfortable and modern.
Thank you, people who work! Everyone, who literally rescues the harvest from bad weather every year. Everyone, who clothes us and makes the goods that are in demand on international markets. Everyone, who develops science and technologies, who designs and builds.
Attempts were made last year to bring us to our knees, to choke economically… But we didn’t simply endure! We grew on all fronts while moving towards our goal!
And we can do so much more, knowing that we live behind the reliable backs of everyone, who faithfully serves the Motherland and loves it.
Because there is no stronger stimulus for development than confidence in tomorrow and confidence in the security of the nation.
I thank people in uniform for peace!

My fellow Belarusians!

The year 2024 – the Year of Quality – is about to begin. Quality, which became the lifestyle of Belarusians, a national trait. Now it will become a symbol of all endeavors.
The good tradition to award a quality mark to the best producers of goods and services will return into our life. Names of the first winners will be inscribed in the history of independent Belarus.

In the country’s politics the ancient Slavonic tradition of the rule of the people will be reborn with a new status. For the first time the Belarusian People’s Congress will work as a constitutional body. Thus, we will create the foundation of Belarusian national statehood. We will elect the parliament and councils of deputies on the single voting day.
The year 2024 is the year of the 80th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation from the Nazi invaders. There is no date that is more important for us. To celebrate the anniversary in a worthy manner in order to perpetuate the memory about heroes of that time is a matter of honor and a guarantee of peace in the future.
These events and many other ones will enter the country’s history at breakneck speed soon.
We will continue creating, preserving and enriching the cultural heritage with our art and talents, defending national interests, safeguarding ancestral traditions and values. We will do everything to make our country even more beautiful, cozier, and stronger.
It is our home. For everyone it starts with the native hearth and home and the beloved family and for all of us together, for a united nation it becomes an indestructible fortress.

Dear Belarusians!

On New Year’s Eve I first and foremost wish you to welcome in the new year 2024 in high spirits and with festive brightness.
I wish kind New Year’s mood to everyone, who works while the country celebrates.
To our veterans of war and labor I wish strength and good health in the coming year. I wish happy childhood to all the kids and bright adolescence to young Belarusians.
May the warm glow of windows, where families and friends have gathered up for a feast, envelop the sacred Belarusian land now and always.
May all our boldest dreams and desires come true in the name of peace and life.

Be happy!
Happy New Year!

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