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21 December 2020, 12:51

New head of Belarus' Customs appointed

MINSK, 21 December (BelTA) – Vladimir Orlovsky has been appointed Chairman of the State Customs Committee of Belarus. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the relevant personnel decision on 21 December, BelTA has learned.

Up till now Vladimir Orlovsky has been working as the committee's first deputy chairman. The position of the committee's chairman was vacant for more than a month since Yuri Senko's appointment as the ambassador to China.

Aleksandr Lukashenko described the position of the chairman of the State Customs Committee as one of positions of extreme importance for the country. This is why they had been searching long and hard for a fitting candidate. “We had to have appointed the head of the customs committee a long time ago, but those who suggested the candidates to me couldn't focus on one and I was rejecting all of them anyway. Frankly speaking, I initially rejected your candidacy as well and said I wanted several more candidates to choose from. I regretted my decision later on because I was buried under the huge number of candidates… I certainly know those people. I know better some of them and some less. But in the third round of deliberations I had to return to your candidacy,” the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko described Vladimir Orlovsky as a serious professional, the best one the customs service has to offer. In his words, it was the decisive factor in Vladimir Orlovsky's appointment. “You are a statesman. Nobody has told me that you'd deviated from the state policy anywhere and it is very important,” he stressed.

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