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06 June 2017, 13:30

Moldova can count on Belarus as reliable and open partner

MINSK, 6 June (BelTA) – Moldova can count on Belarus as a reliable partner open for cooperation in all avenues, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said as he met with Prime Minister of Moldova Pavel Filip on 6 June, BelTA has learned.

The head of state emphasized that Belarus is happy to welcome guests from Moldova. Alexander Lukashenko has visited this country several times. “This is a warm place, not only because the climate is warm but also because there are good people in Moldova similar to hardworking Belarusians,” he said.

The Belarusian leader also spoke about the economy. “During the recent meeting with the Moldovan president I said that we had never tried to close from you even in the most difficult times. We did our best to facilitate your work on the Belarusian market. If you want, you can use it to advance to the Eurasian market or to the East,” Alexander Lukashenko said.

He assured that Belarus will pursue the same policy in relation to Moldova in the future. The head of state thanked for the assistance and support that Moldova provides to Belarus in the western direction. “Indeed, Moldovan people treat us like brothers, pay attention to our problems and support us, try to explain to certain ardent politicians in Europe what Belarus is like and what policy it pursues,” he added.

According to the president, Belarus is ready to share its best practices and experience with Moldova just like it was doing in Soviet times. “We began to develop together, set up joint enterprises, did not see any obstacles. All that contributed to the normal operation, even the survival of our state. I think that we should not lose it,” he remarked.

The president emphasized that Moldova can count on Belarus. “We have always been and will be reliable partners for you. Moreover, we do not make products that you can offer. We have opened the market of cognacs, the import of high-quality Moldovan wines has not reduced.”

The head of state noted that if Moldovan companies keep prioritizing quality, they will be present on the Belarusian market. Besides, joint enterprises are set up here. The president deems it necessary to expand the establishment of joint ventures, for example, to produce baby food and juices which can be then exported to other markets.

Alexander Lukashenko also said that the Belarusian side will always welcome the expansion of Moldova's presence on its market.

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