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21 June 2024, 09:47

Lukashenko visiting Dzerzhinsk District

DZERZHINSK DISTRICT, 21 June (BelTA) – Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko went on a working trip to  Dzerzhinsk District, Minsk Oblast, on 21 June, BelTA has learned.

During the trip, the head of state will focus on the state of things in agriculture and on social matters.

Aleksandr Lukashenko will review progress to fulfill his instruction to build modern dairy complexes in Minsk Oblast and will visit one of such complexes in Dzerzhinsk District.

The head of state is expected to attend the opening ceremony of the Olympus sports and recreation complex of the Dzerzhinsk District Children’s and Youth Sports School.

The sports complex in Dzerzhinsk is part of the sports school. Construction began in April 2022; Br24.3 million was allocated to build the complex and purchase the necessary equipment.

The sports center has facilities to play football, basketball, judo and table tennis. The opening of a swimming school is being considered. Residents of Dzerzhinsk and nearby villages will have the opportunity to play sports.
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