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10 January 2024, 08:10

Lukashenko: There’s nothing more important than peace

MINSK, 10 January (BelTA) – Peace is the most important thing, and Belarus knows its value, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the ceremony to present the Spiritual Revival Award, the special prize for cultural and art figures and the Belarusian Sports Olympus Award on 9 January, BelTA has learned.
“Just like before, we meet on these bright holidays to appreciate those who selflessly serve their people and country. We take stock of our cultural and spiritual life of the past year. This event has brought together remarkably talented, sensitive, and dedicated Belarusians. It is partly thanks to them that we have managed to achieve the goals of the Year of Peace and Creation. Thus, our spirit has become stronger and we have grown even more confident, especially taking into consideration the events unfolding around us,” the head of state noted.
“It is obvious to us that peace is the most important thing for any nation, especially Belarusians, because we know at what price it comes,” said the Belarusian leader.
He noted that the projects “Last Witnesses”, “Genocide: No Right to Life” are a tribute to the memory of the innocent victims and heroes of the Great Patriotic War: “Today we thank the team of authors of our prosecutor’s office, the BelTA News Agency, the Belteleradiocompany who have worked through the pain and suffering of the war generation. These videos chronicle horrible crimes and we will not allow ourselves and those who bear historical responsibility for them to forget these crimes.”
“We will have peace as long as we remember these things. As soon as we forget the path to churches and war monuments - another war will erupt. We feel pride and are confident about our future, as we look at the successors of the generation of winners – our uniformed patriots,” Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized.
Among the laureates of the Spiritual Revival Award are members of the honor guard company and the orchestra of the Minsk Military Commandant’s Office, as well as the Polotsk Cadet School, from which Hero of Belarus pilot Nikita Kukonenko graduated.
“We know, remember and honor our heroes of the past and present. These are people with a pure heart, sincere love for their native land and their people. They epitomize the strong spirit of Belarusians,” said the head of state.
According to the president, patriotism and spirituality are inseparable concepts, because all the best things in life begin with love – love for family and friends, one’s hometown, one’s Fatherland. This is what inspires us to serve truly noble causes.
“Each award list of today’s award recipients chronicles the story of our life, the history of the country,” the Belarusian leader emphasized. “All of you, especially those in this hall, shape the future of Belarus. We preserve our cultural heritage, revive ancient arts and crafts, traditional festivals and holidays, give new life to masterpieces of high art, welcome babies, educate the younger generation about centuries-old moral values, show compassion and help compatriots who need it, rise to the sports Olympus to make the Motherland proud, help our sports hopefuls achieve excellence, cover victories of our athletes in the media,” the president said.
Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized that today it’s not only Belarusians who want one thing: no war. “Belarusians used to be ridiculed for this in the past... Today no one laughs at it anymore. Because a war means the end to everything: things like culture, industry, product quality become unimportant,” the Belarusian leader noted.
“I want to reiterate: there will be no war if we do what we are supposed to do, if our economy functions,” the head of state emphasized. “Our enemies and foes, let’s be honest, are waiting for an opportune moment to bring us to our knees. We should not give them such a chance. And we have everything to thwart their plans. Everything depends on us, mostly on those who are in this hall, the elite of our country,” the president said. 

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