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10 January 2024, 10:10

Lukashenko stresses importance of preserving cultural sovereignty for Belarus

MINSK, 9 January (BelTA) – It is important to preserve the cultural sovereignty of Belarus, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a ceremony to present the Spiritual Revival Award, the special prize for cultural and art luminaries and the Belarusian Sports Olympus Award on 9 January, BelTA has learned.

"We, Belarusians, are a nation of creators. Since ancient times, we have followed our own path, which helped us preserve our way of life, culture and spirituality in the most difficult periods of history. The point that I have just made is very important. Many people, especially from among our self-exiled opposition, are ranting and raving that our spirituality and culture are falling into despair. This will not happen if we show people how incredibly creative we are. Creativity is more than welcome in our country. This has always been the case and will remain so. But we will not allow anyone to destroy what has been built by many generations of Belarusians over centuries. Our traditions, our spirituality and our moral compass have their roots in the past, and this cannot be destroyed," the Belarusian leader said.

According to the president, Belarus is open to the world, respect customs and traditions of other peoples, and are receptive to new ideas, “yet under one condition - everything that comes into our lives must resonate with our intrinsic values and spiritual traditions and enrich our culture.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that the future of our nation depends on the civic position and professional choices of those who are in this hall, on stage and behind the scenes. "You know better than anyone how important it is to protect our cultural sovereignty. It begins with maintaining the purity of the mother tongues - Russian and Belarusian, prioritizing our national agenda in creative projects and festivals, developing Belarus-themed designs for our products and the living space.”

The head of state noted: “Deep respect for our own culture created by outstanding Soviet and Belarusian artists is a matter of national dignity. Under no circumstances should we give up what we have achieved. For the question will arise, what heritage we are renouncing from and what we will rely on while building our future.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko wished all Belarusians success in the coming year, in artistic and economic endeavors: "We will continue to strive for perfection and a decent level of our cultural, spiritual, social and political life.”

The president thanked the laureates for their services to the dear Belarus and presented them with diplomas.
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