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23 September 2022, 13:33

Lukashenko: Presidential pardon is not a bargaining chip

LOGOISK DISTRICT, 23 September (BelTA) - Amnesty and pardon are not bargaining chips for the Belarusian authorities, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko told the media as he visited the Khatyn Memorial Complex on 23 September, BelTA has learned.

“I do not bargain people. I have never done this. I am always ready to do the utmost to protect people. There is no bargaining here and there cannot be. I have never done such things and will never do. So there will be no bargaining here. I will not bargain even if there is some profit behind it. I will never resort to such things. They have to answer for what they did, because if there is permissiveness, it will happen again. But where we can make some kind of compromise, we need to do it. This is our society after all. They will come out sooner or later anyway,” the head of state said as he commented on the comparison of the upcoming amnesty and pardons with “political bargaining with the West”.

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed once again: if a compromise is possible, it should be used, but there should be no forgiveness for real criminals. “We cannot be ‘inflexible', like taking a stand and not seeing anyone. After all, there were people who were simply deluded,” the president said.

“But those who must stay in jail will stay there. I do not bargain people's fates. I am not accustomed to it. Do not take what is not yours. Do not offend others. Fairness and justice are above all,” the head of state concluded.

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