MOGILEV, 28 May (BelTA) - The authorities and representatives of the media sector share one responsibility, which is to preserve the country and keep peace, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the Belarus Media Forum in Mogilev on 28 May, BelTA has learned.
“We work as one. We all have the same responsibility - to preserve the country, to keep peace. You know history, have an analytical mind, make comparisons and know what it means to bear this responsibility on your shoulders,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.
The head of state added that he closely follows the rhetoric of Belarusian journalists and experts, especially those who are constantly on camera. “You have a deep understanding of the topic of hybrid aggression, which we have been opposing since we started making the first sovereign steps. When we held referendums, saved people's property and made crucial decisions ourselves. Ever since we made it clear that we would pursue an independent policy, we have been living under the fire of constant criticism, lies and absurd accusations. These are terabytes of fake and generously paid media falsifications under a beautiful wrapper,” the president said.

In his words, a lot of negative comments are poured out on journalists, their relatives and friends. “You have to pass it all through your mind and heart. It is a colossal load, which requires colossal concentration of efforts to protect your information space. There is no other way, however. This is the only way to preserve the sovereignty of the country, which is in the epicenter of global geopolitical contradictions,” the Belarusian leader stressed.