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21 March 2025, 12:03

Lukashenko outlines regional development approaches

MINSK, 21 March (BelTA) – Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with Mogilev Oblast Governor Anatoly Isachenko and Aide to the President of the Republic of Belarus - Inspector for Mogilev Oblast Sergei Nalivaiko to receive their reports on 21 March, BelTA has learned.
A number of issues related to the development of the region and the implementation of a number of promising projects had been submitted to the head of state for consideration. At the start of the meeting the president outlined his requirements and approaches: the most urgent issues should be solved first. “Matters that require an instant response should be addressed first, given the fact that there has never been any extra money, especially today,” he said. “Everything depends on the performance of the region: if the region is doing badly, what is the point of investing money there? I say this to everyone, not only to you. We must remember this.”

“From political standpoint, I can listen to you here, nod my head, instruct you to work on these issues and so on. But, humanwise, I should proceed from the following position: if you invest a ruble today, you get back two rubles tomorrow. If you are obliged, you must give it back. If you do not give it back, then we have nothing here to talk about. This applies to everyone. It is a matter of principle,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “Let us consider all the issues you described in a letter to me. Maybe you have some questions. I am ready to consider them and provide support if necessary. If you ask for any support, I would like you to take into account what is being done for the region today.”

According to the head of state, the south-east of Mogilev Oblast is seriously lagging behind other regions. In 2015, the president signed a decree on the social and economic development of this region. In 2020, the main provisions of the document were extended for another five-year period.  

“This program is being supported from the center, from the national budget,” the Belarusian leader said. “So, first of all, let us see what is the current level of production in agriculture, industry. What enterprises are weaker and do not reach the level they should. Then we will discuss the issues you raise: support, assistance, financing under the state program from the national budget, debt restructuring and other matters.

“I hope I will visit Mogilev Oblast a number of times. We will visit the enterprises and I will listen to you planned activities there. Including Gomel and Vitebsk,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

Anatoly Isachenko briefed the head of state on the main performance indicators of Mogilev Oblast. The president praised the previous year's figures, adding however that the gross regional product was showing modest results at the moment. In February the figures were lower than those in January.

“We are going above the last year’s level – tentatively at 101.9%,” the Mogilev Oblast governor reported. “I think we will work above the previous year’s level in Q1. In principle, the situation is traceable.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized one of the most urgent problems in agriculture of the region – loss of cattle: “The mortality was the biggest across the country last year,” he said.

“This year the situation with the loss of cattle has stabilized. We have reduced mortality by 1,500 head to the level of last year,” the governor said.

“1,500 head is nothing,” the president remarked in turn. “We were both born in the rural area. We both used to work in the same farm. Do not tell me about the lack of dairy complexes, and that the safety of calves depends on them. Back in the day, there were no complexes, the cows and calves were kept in terrible conditions but there were no such mortality numbers. Why? Because there was proper organization of the process and appropriate care for the offspring. Therefore, this is not just a matter of dairy complexes. I would like to warn you here. You should realize that we both know very well how everything works.”

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