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26 January 2024, 11:37

Lukashenko: Our goal in the Year of Quality is to surpass ourselves in all areas of life

MINSK, 26 January (BelTA) – The goal of Belarusians in the Year of Quality is to surpass themselves in all spheres of life, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the ceremony to present doctoral degrees and professor certificates to scientists and educators, BelTA has learned.
It is a tradition for the head of state to meet with scientists and educators - newly minted doctors of sciences and professors – in the run-up to Science Day. This is a good opportunity not only to take stock of and celebrate the achievements of Belarusian scientists and national science in general, but also to discuss the future.
“It is important for me to know how you see your role, the role of your students, followers and the entire scientific community in implementing the Year of Quality strategy, how well you understand the purpose of this initiative that is designed to herald a new development stage for Belarus. Our goal is to surpass ourselves, moreover, to do it in all spheres of life. Of course, you, people of science, are at the forefront of the movement towards this goal. Your work, or to be more precise its results, largely shape the future of our state,” said Aleksandr Lukashenko.
The president noted that any scientific initiative is a pillar that props up the framework of statehood and public welfare, and the quality of life.
“Therefore, every scientist must act like an architect and builder who are fully aware that the stability, reliability, and durability of the entire structure depend on the accuracy of their work. This is particularly true about humanities as this kind of knowledge shapes a person’s worldview. By the way, we lack this so badly,” the head of state said. “Every scientist working in Belarus must be a patriot. You know my position: you shouldn’t even get started if you don’t love your Fatherland. Indeed, science is designed to serve people, all of humanity, it is universal. And you, Belarusian scientists, must serve, first of all, your people,” the president noted.

“Speaking about the quality of research that has become the meaning of your life, we need to discuss its practical component. The concern for simple things and the needs of our people should permeate all scientific research. We do not need research for the sake of research, dissertations for the sake of dissertations. I mean what I say, because sometimes when I get reports and read titles of some dissertations submitted to the Higher Attestation Commission, I cannot immediately grasp what this paper is about. And when you delve into it – it is astounding. Believe me, I don’t mean to criticize you. As a very informed person (with a decent amount of work experience), I think: where can I apply this? Do we need it? And this is not a topic of fundamental research, this is our applied science. We are all used to a certain level of comfort in our daily lives. But few people think about the many years of hard work that has to be done to achieve this. Only you know this fully,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.
He remarked that scientists always work to the limit of their ability, pushing boundaries and limitations. “And I thank everyone who helped you succeed, who was there by your side. By the way, this is very important for a scientist to remember one thing that very many people forget: no research would be possible without the guidance of a scientific supervisor, the help of a laboratory assistant, and the support of family and friends. In other words, the achievement of one is the victory for many. You lean on many people for support. Your compatriots should know about such victories. And they will know. By tradition, in the coming days you will get the spotlight on TV and in newspapers,” the Belarusian leader added.
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