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02 April 2024, 12:36

Lukashenko lays time capsule on Grodno hospital construction site

GRODNO, 2 April (BelTA) – Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has laid a time capsule with a message to descendants on the construction site of a new municipal hospital in Grodno, BelTA has learned.

In a solemn atmosphere the head of state signed a message to future generations, which was placed in a capsule. The president laid it in a cornerstone installed on the construction site.

In the message to descendants, Belarus’ contemporary history is described as interesting and challenging: “We live a peaceful and happy life - we are building our dear, independent Belarus together. But our hearts hurt. We are saying this because the world around us is changing. We live in an era of scientific and technological progress that is unprecedented in comparison with past centuries, but billions are wasted on weapons and regional conflicts.”

“Our planet is on fire. Entire nations are losing their homes and are trying to find shelter thousands of kilometers away from their homeland. We help everyone who asks for help, and we do everything to preserve a fragile peace on this God-given land. And we believe that we will succeed in this. That’s why we build kindergartens, schools, polyclinics, hospitals, new production facilities, cultural and sports facilities and malls,” the message reads.

It mentions an important date marked in 2024 - the 80th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation from the Nazi invaders.

“Belarusian people have a thousand-year history, and we believe that it continues with your great deeds! We believe that sooner or later all the energy, intelligence and ingenuity of humankind will be directed exclusively at  good things, that you will step further and go beyond the solar system!” noted in the message.
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