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02 April 2024, 11:58

Lukashenko instructs to build new hospital in Grodno within two years

GRODNO, 2 April (BelTA) - A new hospital in Grodno should be built within two years, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko set the task during his working trip to Grodno on 2 April, BelTA has learned.

The head of state was briefed on the social and economic development of Grodno Oblast. Governor Vladimir Karanik emphasized that the region met all social welfare obligations. Wages grew 18% in 2023 (this growth exceeded 19% in January-February 2024). The growth of gross regional product almost reached 8%. “Further development of the region is impossible without investment, that is why Grodno Oblast is implementing 114 projects,” the governor said. According to him, 21 projects have been approved within the the president's “One District, One Project” instruction. They are all in different stages of implementation. The region continues the construction and modernization of many social facilities, including schools and an oncology clinic.

At the construction site of the future healthcare facility the head of state was briefed on the progress of the project. In particular, the discussion touched upon the plans regarding the building of hospital No.2, which is outdated, does not meet modern requirements and will be vacated after the completion and commissioning of the new building of the municipal hospital on Yanka Kupala Avenue. The building housed a monastery once and is of historical and cultural value. Aleksandr Lukashenko suggested thinking about how it can be used in the future. One of the possible options is to open a hotel or other tourist facility there.

The president was also interested in the deadline set for the construction of a new hospital. The construction was planned to take about 50 months. “This is too long,” the head of state said. Perhaps the project needs to be simplified in order to be implemented within a shorter period of time, Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

According to Vladimir Karanik, the new hospital was designed without any extravagance, but taking into account the working experience gained during the pandemic. The hospital will feature four wings, which would be possible to zone if necessary. “Great. We need to build it within two years,” the president said.

The decision to build a new hospital was made following a comprehensive optimization of the bed stock of Grodno's two other hospitals - No. 2 and No. 3. They are located in old buildings that do not meet modern requirements.

The new hospital on Yanka Kupala Avenue in Grodno will replace the bed stock of two old hospitals and will function in conjunction with hospital No. 4. This will make it possible to rationally use the bed stock of the city's healthcare institutions and eliminate duplication.

The new hospital will mainly have therapeutic departments with endovascular surgery rooms, as well as diagnostic departments. The hospital will have more than 500 beds.

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