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MINSK, 31 October (BelTA) – During the 2nd Minsk International Conference on Eurasian Security Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made a few comments about events in Georgia, BelTA has learned.
Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “What have the Georgians done? They want transparency in their own country: in politics, in economy, and so on. The legitimate government has made the relevant decisions at the legislative level. They are replicas of what America has. They are even softer. They had consulted in advance. But then Uncle Joe or someone else in the European Union woke up and didn’t think the right way, didn’t look the right way. And the country is being destroyed as a result.”
Russia is accused of interfering in domestic affairs in Georgia. However, Russia has nothing to do with what is going on in that country, Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed. “We were truly concerned about Georgians when we met with Georgia’s neighboring countries during the latest BRICS summit,” he remarked.
“Listen, to force some LGBT upon Georgians! Upon Georgians, who were the toughest dudes and men in the Soviet Union. They are being forced to embrace some LGBT. Georgians will not accept it: they have been in favor of women from an early age. And they are offered LGBT! LGBT in Caucasia!” Aleksandr Lukashenko was full of indignation.