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MINSK, 26 January (BelTA) – Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko explained to journalists on 26 January why Belarus should be part of Ukraine peace efforts, BelTA has learned.
“They often put their spin on this matter, making it look like Lukashenko is dying to be at the negotiating table. It's not about Lukashenko, I don't have skin in the game here. It is about two things: our interests and regional security. I proceeded from this,” the president emphasized.
The head of state clarified: “The first thing is pursuing national interests. Are there interests of Belarusian people on this piece of land? Yes. Second. I proceeded from the fact that it is Volodya Zelensky who constantly pushes for guarantees, peace, security in the region. And if you want these guarantees and peace, then everyone's interests should be accommodated as much as possible. All participants in this process who live here, including Belarusians, should be involved. Lithuanians, Latvians, and even Poles are more than eager to be part of this process, and Zelensky welcomes this, and the West, too. However, this is our space; regional security is incomplete without us. Therefore, two factors are at play here - our interests and security in the region.”

“But I am not desperate to become part of the negotiating process. It's okay if decisions are made there without me. Well, the president of Russia will be there anyway, there will be no talks without him. Do you think he won't back up Belarus' position? After all, it is absolutely not burdensome for Russia, or for Ukraine, or for the West,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The president went on saying: “Some people outside our country demand that Lukashenko should assume some obligations, release political prisoners in order to be allowed to sit down at the negotiating table. Those who think that I am ready to this to become part of the peace process are totally wrong.”