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09 May 2021, 12:35

Lukashenko emphasizes importance of war deeds of forefathers during Great Patriotic War

MINSK, 9 May (BelTA) – The farther events of the Great Patriotic War are, the more majestic the sacrificial feat of grandfathers and great grandfathers of the current generations looks. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement on 9 May as part of the ceremony to lay wreaths at the Victory Monument on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “As before we welcome in the victorious May, which brought freedom to Belarusians and to all the brotherly nations of our immense country of the Soviet Union in 1945. The farther heroic and tragic events of the Great Patriotic War are, the more majestic the sacrificial feat of our grandfathers and great grandfathers – those, who saved the mankind from enslavement and extermination – looks to us.”

He stressed that it was an earth-shattering battle for life on Earth, for the preservation of the mankind, a Great Triumph of good over evil.

The president continued: “We bow before the heroism and resilience of the frontline soldiers, partisans, underground resistance fighters, homefront workers, who made this victory possible. You, those who fell on battlefields, those who died of wounds, dear veterans have gifted us the never fading light of the Great Victory, a guiding star that will always shine upon many generations of Belarusians and will give us strength to create, to move forward and only forward despite all the complications, hardships, and problems. Today they look at us from up high and wonder whether we will survive. We will! Belarus glorifies the heroic veterans and will always remember your deeds.”

Belarusians also bow before the selfless labor of those, who came back to the ruins of native cities and villages in order to revive the country from the ashes, Aleksandr Lukashenko noted. “We had the hardest fate because nobody was left in this land except for women, children, people with disabilities and exhausted soldiers, who came back from the frontlines. We ploughed and sowed the fields with the help of women and children. There were even no horses left. We will never forget that millions of our compatriots fell on battlefields, were shot or tortured to death by gestapo. We remember it and if someone forgets it, we will remind them,” he stressed. “We bow low to the memory of those, who fell. We mourn the veterans who have died.”

During the ceremony Aleksandr Lukashenko suggested honoring the memory of the heroes with a minute of silence.

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