MINSK, 2 July (BelTA) – People are the key value and a national priority. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the relevant statement during a solemn assembly held in the Palace of the Republic on 2 July in anticipation of Independence Day, BelTA has learned.
The head of state stressed that Belarus develops successfully and has ambitious plans for the future after overcoming many hardships. “Our goals are cutting-edge technologies, jobs for people, sales abroad (we export half of what we make), and investments. These are the foundations of national security of any state,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “People are our priority. We will continue doing everything to improve conditions for starting a family and for bearing kids in every part of the country as well as conditions for work and rest, for achieving coveted heights in science, art, culture, and sport.”
Success in all directions depends on Belarusians themselves, Aleksandr Lukashenko is convinced. If one concentrates on goals and capabilities, then he or she will have everything: technologies, cutting-edge manufacturing enterprises, and space exploration.
“I will keep repeating that people are our gold. Talented and hardworking people,” the president stressed. He remarked it was no compliment but an evaluation of current accomplishments of the Belarusian society.
“So called Western partners have done everything for the sake of destruction of our enterprises. But they keep working. People keep working in their own country and getting wages,” the head of state came up with examples. “Logistic channels to the west have been cut off. We’ve come up with new ones directed to the east. You don’t want to buy our goods? Residents of other countries will take them off our hands with pleasure.”
Apart from that, real earnings of citizens have increased by tenfold. Cities and villages of Belarus are changing beyond recognition. Thousands of kilometers of roads have been built and repaired. And it is not the limit. New metro stations are being built and new metro lines are getting commissioned now.
“Our accomplishments in mechanical engineering, agriculture, space, biotechnologies, defense industry, production of laser equipment, microelectronics have been recognized worldwide, particularly in Russia in these complicated times,” Aleksandr Lukashenko added.
“Together with Russian brothers we have built our own nuclear power plant,” the Belarusian leader continued. “Together with Chinese friends we have built an automobile manufacturing industry and missile production from scratch.” According to the president, in healthcare Belarus has achieved the heights it could not even dream about 20 years ago. Belarusian scientists work in Arctic regions and Antarctica.
“We have managed to create an economy with a durability margin that makes it complicated to manipulate us,” the head of state stressed. “Today no one can say, for instance, we will stop selling food to you and you will die of hunger. If happened not so long ago if you recall. We produce enough food for ourselves and we sell food to markets of over 100 countries across the globe. We earn over $8 billion from it every year.”
Threatening Belarus with a prohibition against selling and servicing machines and equipment is futile as well, Aleksandr Lukashenko stated. After all, Belarusian enterprises make a lot on their own starting with harvesters and laptops and ending with cars and electrobuses. “Well, if we don’t have some capabilities for now, the West is not the only vendor. We have friends in other parts of the world, too. In five years we and Russians will be able to make everything the life and prosperity of our states require,” the president stated.