MINSK, 27 September (BelTA) – Geopolitical competitors are going above and beyond to knock Belarus off the path to a new economic order, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the Q&A session titled “Open Microphone with the President” with students of engineering and technical universities of Minsk on 27 September, BelTA has learned.
“You will pursue a career in engineering and technology. I really want you to succeed professionally, start families, become parents. All this will happen,” the president said addressing the participants of the event. Aleksandr Lukashenko urged them to assess the situation comprehensively, to see the connection between domestic and foreign policy, and feel the zeitgeist. No matter where they will work and what career they will pursue, they will not be able to get away from politics, the head of state noted. The president urged young people to get a good grasp of politics, like they do with their studies.
“Geopolitical competitors make every effort to knock Belarus off the path to a new economic order,” he noted. “Sanctions, the fight on the media field to defend our values, traditions, and historical memory take a lot of energy and resources. This is true. But it is also true that we are still building our own economy, including such a trendy thing as digital economy, and are introducing elements of the 6th and 7th technological paradigms.” These elements include smart cities, smart transport, artificial intelligence, drones, and innovative products. This is what the younger generation will take over from us and build on after becoming certified specialists.
“And this is a reality in which we have already succeeded quite well. The developments of engineers from Planar, Integral, military industry enterprises, the Academy of Sciences, and technology parks at universities have already been introduced into the manufacturing industry and exported, and are even used in the space sector,” the president remarked.